Saturday, December 22, 2012

End of the Year Thoughts

My job is awesome. 

Just have to remind myself that from time to time.

It's not what I set out to do, and it drives me bonkers* that I'm not doing what I set out to do, but I am so grateful to have it. 

For the sometimes underappreciated concierge, the holidays are a welcome busy season, full of love from guests and gifts from our sweet vendors.  After working in NYC last Christmas, I was curious to see what sort of presents might arrive at our desk here in LA.  Perhaps an unlimited week of pilates classes?  Some rice cakes?  Green juice delivered on the backs of sparkling water-quenched Arabian horses?

Nope, LA, you have proved me wrong, as you so often do. 

This is why I love you.

After boldly proclaiming that I was taking a break from booze and baked goods (best idea/worst timing) we were given copious amounts of those very things.  I've been threatening a Mad Men themed party since moving here in April, and finally my bar cart is ready to host.

So grateful.

I guess that's where I'm going with all of this.  I spend a lot of my time thinking and worrying and analyzing and over-analyzing and Chicken Little-ing that I sometimes must remember to stop. 

And to say thank you, thank you, thank you.

Lori and I joked way back in March that 2012 was My Year, once I'd navigated rounds of Skype interviews and discovered that I'd have a chance to move back to LA.  This would pop up from time to time when seemingly fortuitous events would occur, a whisper, It's Your Year.  It has been uncomfortable, as change often is.  But nothing worthwhile comes easily.  Let's end this year with bravery.  Thank you, 2012.

*2013, let's work on this, shall we?  'Bout damn time.

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